Tag: holiday
Dyson Supersonic Hairdryer – Review, Test and Comparison
Dyson Supersonic hairdryer was release in June 2016 to change a 70 year old industry and solve the problem of current hairdryers being bulky, damaging, loud and slow. In this review:00:25…
Xiaomi Mi Drone Review – Unboxing, Setup and Test
Xiaomi has released their response to DJI’s global success – Mi Drone. In this review: 00:28 Intro 01:16 Unboxing 03:27 Hardware (Drone, Camera, Remote) 06:32 Software and Setup 09:24 Flight…
Quick guide to Snapchat – Why? What? Who?
00:30 Why do I like snapchat? 01:30 What is Snapchat? 02:39 Why you should care? 03:13 Five accounts to follow in tech, startups and marketing Snapchat is probably the one…
Smartphone Cameras – Searching For The Best – Apple, Google, Samsung, LG, Sony, Motorola, OnePlus, Xiaomi
Searching for the best camera in a smartphone is not easy as it does not exist, it is a very personal and subjective. After using/testing all of the top smartphone…
Content Blocker / Adblocker Comparison – How to improve your privacy, speed, data and battery life?
On an average news site you visit, there are around 40-100 different trackers and 20-40 ads being loaded. This slows down your experience by 2-3x and costs even more in…
The Future of Commuting? 2-Wheel Self-Balancing Electric Scooter
2-Wheel Self-Balancing Electric Scooter – aka. Monorover R2, Chic Smart, IO Hawk, PhukeeDuck, Mini-segway, Hoverboard, Swegway, AirBoard, Airwheel, Drifting Board, IO Hawk, Hyperwalk. Featuring:0:29 Where is it coming from, who invented…
Remote Control For Your Life – On Demand Economy
Advantages of ownership are diminishing. Benefits of having access are increasing. I believe in the on demand economy that almost provides a remote control for our life. Let’s take a…
In-Depth Review – Apple Watch vs Android Wear
With Apple Watch and Google Android Wear smartwatches are quickly becoming the first mass-market wearable electronics attracting a lot of attention. Here’s my in-depth look at the two leaders. 00:32 Original…
Top Gift Ideas For Tech/Gadget Fans
0:46 Below 50USD / 30GBP / 40EUR3:38 Below 200USD / 130GBP / 165EUR8:31 Below 500USD / 320GBP / 400EUR11:58 Above 500USD / 320GBP / 400EUR Below 50USD / 30GBP / 40EURKinsa Smartphone Thermometer – https://www.kinsahealth.com/Misfit…