Advantages of ownership are diminishing. Benefits of having access are increasing. I believe in the on demand economy that almost provides a remote control for our life. Let’s take a look at how it’s changing our lives.
– Food: Caviar, Doordash, Grubhub, Munchery, Deliveroo (UK), (UK), Eatfirst (UK), Hungryhouse (UK) Deliverance (UK)
– Groceries: Instacart, Spring, Hello Fresh (UK), Gousto (UK), Shuttlecook (UK)
– Transportation: Zipcar, Uber, Lyft, Luxe, Santander Cycles – Delivery: Postmates, Shyp, Shutl, ebay Now, Google Express Shopping, Amazon Prime Now
– Travel: Airbnb, Hotel Tonight
– Entertainment: Netflix, Hotel Tonight, YPlan – Work: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Rackspace
– Home: Hello Alfred, Bizzby (UK), Laundrapp (UK), ShipJet (UK), Mopp (UK), Hassle (UK)
– Health: Classpass, Doctor On Demand, Telemedii (UK), Vint
Story/editing: Sander Saar Camera: Liis Rosenberg