With Apple Watch and Google Android Wear smartwatches are quickly becoming the first mass-market wearable electronics attracting a lot of attention. Here’s my in-depth look at the two leaders.
00:32 Original Apple Watch (since 1995)
00:36 Introduction
1:17 Try-on experience and three models
02:48 Unboxing
03:06 Design
04:59 Inside
07:50 Functions:
08:13 Watchfaces & Timekeeping
09:38 Communications & Messaging
11:13 Health & Fitness
15:58 Travelling
18:08 Work
19:10 Family & Leisure
20:11 3rd party developer support
21:28 Overall experience
22:40 What’s missing?
Story/editing: Sander Saar
Camera: Liis Rosenberg
Featuring: Apple Watch, Android Wear watches (Moto 360 and Asus Zenwatch)