The Future of Commuting? 2-Wheel Self-Balancing Electric Scooter

2-Wheel Self-Balancing Electric Scooter – aka. Monorover R2, Chic Smart, IO Hawk, PhukeeDuck, Mini-segway, Hoverboard, Swegway, AirBoard, Airwheel, Drifting Board, IO Hawk, Hyperwalk.

0:29 Where is it coming from, who invented it?
1:05 How did it become so successful?
1:30 Where can you buy one and how much does it cost?
1:55 Unboxing and features walk-through.
3:00 How to ride (also when it’s your first time)?
3:44 Where can you ride and what are the limitations?
4:18 Whom is it built for and where can you use it?
5:03 Riding in the future and conclusion

As seen on: Casey Neisat, Poinlessblog, PrankvsPrank, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Jimmy Fallon.