Category: Reviews
Best eReader 2017 – Kindle Oasis 2 vs 2016 Kindle Oasis
Besides all the developments with smartphones, tablets and computers around us, also eReaders are making progress. Let’s take a look at the new 2017 Kindle Oasis 2 and compare it…
Google Pixelbook Review – in comparison with iPad Pro and Macbook Pro
Google Pixelbook review in comparison with iPad Pro and MacBook Pro. Being almost all in Google Apps user, I got really excited when Google Pixelbook was announced as I thought…
Best Smartphone Cameras 2017 – Note 8 vs Pixel 2 XL vs iPhone X
The titans of the smartphone industry have released their best for 2017. For many of us, a smartphone is our main daily and sometimes the only camera, so I wanted…
Best 360 Camera – Xiaomi, Samsung, Insta360, Ricoh
360 consumer cameras are now everywhere, taking pictures and recording video from western flagships to newcomers from China. In this video, we’ll be looking at some of the most popular…
Best Smart Scale – Withings Cardio, QardioBase, Xiaomi Mi Body Scale
I’ve selected my favourite scales to test out and find the best one, including Withings Cardio, QardioBase and the new Xiaomi Mi Body Scale. The benefits of quantifying yourself are…
Best Wifi Router – Google Wifi vs Apple Airport Extreme vs Xiaomi Mi Wifi
As the number of connected devices is increasing rapidly, the wifi routers need to update as well. I been so far using the Apple Airport Extreme, but have had issues…
B&O Beoplay H9 Review In Comparison With Bose QC35
Ever since some of the first Bluetooth wireless headphones came to the market, I’ve been on a hunt and used more than 8 pairs from Bose, Sennheiser, V-Moda, Maser /…
Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum – Review and Comparsion
Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum is the latest addition from Xiaomi to the smart home offering. They are really trying hard in every category to best the industry leaders. This time…
Virtual Reality – All Things You Should Know
Virtual reality (VR) is a technology to place you in another place by tricking your senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell to make you feel that the virtual world is…
Xiaomi Ninebot Mini – Review and Comparison
Segway, one of the most well regarded two wheel electric scooter manufacturers was acquired in 2015 by Ninebot, a Beijing based robotics startup, backed by Xiaomi. Together with Xiaomi Ninebot…