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Super Bowl is known for its ads, but the quality has been in decline. Why?CBS drew in only 96.4M viewers, the lowest since 2006 (in decline since 2015).And everything has a ripple effect. Fewer people watching the show -> lower sponsorship value -> less investment into ads.Super Bowl could significantly grow its audience and therefore sponsorships size by offering it free on YouTube. In addition, users would have a much better experience (my stream did not work until 8min in and buffered throughout).Here are the highest-quality ads from 2021:1) T-Mobile Amazon Prime Video H&R Block SpaceX National Football League (NFL) my favourite Reddit, Inc. ads quality is measured by the incredible Realeyes – Emotional Intelligence and consists of:• Capture: attention until the first distraction (sec)• Retain: retention by 15sec• Encode: engagement strength (emotion peak)